Meeting celebrity chef & Restaurant Australia Ambassador Sanjeev Kapoor
Gourmet food and wine day tours showcasing the delicious south coast

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Meeting celebrity chef & Restaurant Australia Ambassador Sanjeev Kapoor

Last year I was super excited to be given a personally signed copy of a cookbook by Indian celebrity chef Sanjeev Kapoor.

Well… to add to the excitement, I recently got to meet Sanjeev in the flesh. Sanjeev has been in Australia quite a bit of late, given his role as an ambassador for Tourism Australia’s ‘Restaurant Australia’ campaign.

However more recently he was here for personal reasons to celebrate the 25th wedding anniversary of his sister-in-law – who happens to be my friend! I got to meet him at one of the family celebrations marking the occasion and couldn’t pass up the photo opp – so here it is, me with Sanjeev and his lovely wife (and my friend’s sister) Alyona.

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